How to add cracked apps to your iPhone

Written By Akki On Saturday, February 7, 2009

This tutorial will show you how to install cracked .app applications on your iPhone. Although very easy and convenient, this is not the best way to add cracked apps. Given that most cracked iPhone apps are .ipa files, I recommend you have a look at guide on how to install .ipa files on your iPhone instead.

I assume that you’re on a jailbroken 2.X iPhone and that you have installed OpenSSH from Cydia.

1. Download cracked application.

2. Unzip the cracked application folder to your desktop.

3. SSH into iphone.

4. In WinSCP, navigate to /Applications.

5. Drag the cracked application folder over the /Applications folder and drop it in there.

6. Right click on the cracked application folder and change permissions to 0755 and select the box beside “set owner group and permissions recursively” (or go inside the folder, select everything, and set properties to 0755 as well), then hit ok.

7. In the /Applications folder, make a new folder called “Documents”, with a capital D. Change the permissions on the “Documents” folder you just created to 0777.

8. Navigate to /var/mobile/ and make a new folder called “Documents”, with a capital D. Change the permissions on the “Documents” folder you just created to 0777.

9. Reboot your device

Note: Some applications require you set permission to 0775. It seems to be kinda random so if 0755 doesn’t work, try 0775.

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