Here was a task to Jailbreak the iPod touch having FW 1.1.4
The very first attempt was failed
I need to restore the FW with the same version 1.1.4..
Right now downloading the FW 2.2.1
Pwnage tool was failed to jailbreak it although it was the latest version..
Now looking for QuickPwn's latest version.
Let see what happens..
Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts
After you have jailbroken your ipod touch 2.x what you wanna do is
1.Log into WinSCP (windows) or Cyberduck (Mac)
If you don't know how to do this -Code:
2.Create a folder called Documents in /var/mobile/ and set permission to 777.
3.Create a folder called Documents in the /Applications folder and set permissions to 777.
4.Now go to root /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Mobile Installation.framework
5.Replace the MobileInstallation file and set the permissions 775 for the file
6.Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch-IMPORTANT!
7.Download cracked Games and Apps.
8.Download at least one App from t he App Store(Free or Paid)
IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! (Only need to do this once]
9.Double click on the cracked .ipa you downloaded, and iTunes Should Open And Then Just Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy!
You Set Permission by right clicking and choosing properties, you wont miss it
Install cracked ipa's using iTunes. Change your Mobile Installation File without computer support.
1. Go to your pawned iPhone, open Cydia.
2. Go to Manage and choose Sources
3. Press the Edit Button and then the Add button
4. Add the following sources:
4.1. OpenSSH:
Don't need to add this one, it's already installed by default, just search for the app.
4.2. Erica Utilities:
4.3. Mobile Instalation File:
The installation has to be made the way above, leave Mobile Installation file for last.
Restart the iPhone and install first a legit app, download a free app from the appstore [VERY IMPORTANT STEPS] and it's done! Now you can install any cracked ipa using iTunes.
SaladFork make Crackulous. People use Crackulous. Angel Take over. Crackulous good. We release Crackulous today.
We at Hackulous have decided to open up the beta version of Crackulous for the entire community. If you haven't already heard about Crackulous, it's an amazing application dedicated to the iPhone community to cracking apps. Crackulous was first started by SaladFork, and now the application is being developed by Angel. We've decided to release Crackulous v.9 as an Open Beta, so anyone can try it out!
* Full GUI version of xCrack! No Complications!
* Crack Applications from the App Store! Share them with the community!
* The ONLY Application of its kind!
* The most POWERFUL and EASIEST to use application!
* Crack multiple apps at one time!
* It's free! Why would we charge?
Read more at: What is Crackulous?
So where do we get it? From the Hackulous Cydia Repo of course!
Known Bugs (Major):
* You must have at least one legitimate app from the App Store
* If any of your apps begin with a #, Crackulous will crash (Bug fix on the way)
If you have more bugs to share, tell us at: Crackulous Forum
* If You cannot see Crackulous in the repo, restart your cydia (or your device) and have it update it's sources
Kyek's FAQ
We're getting a lot of common questions in this thread -- so I posted this on page 4, but it might be better served here in the original post smile.gif
Crackulous crashing on startup?
Many people are saying that it crashes when you have an app with a number in it. It's not necessarily numbers IN apps, it's apps that START WITH a number. This is a known bug, and it's mentioned in the original post. There should be a fix soon, so don't feel the need to delete your precious apps right away ;-). There's also a rare bug report about apps with 3 or more digits in the name causing a problem with Crackulous, but so far that's not been confirmed.
Make sure you address your crashing in the official Crackulous crashing topic.
But how do I crack apps without buying them?
You don't. Every single app that's ever been cracked has been legitimately purchased by the cracker. Part of the cracking method requires you to run the app on your iDevice before it's cracked, and the only way to do that is by buying it and downloading it legitimately. Makes you think twice before you start spamming the requests board, doesn't it? ;-)
I cracked an app but how do I get it?
Crackulous tells you exactly where to find the app once it's cracked -- all you need to do is log into your phone via SFTP (you need OpenSSH from Cydia for this). Don't know how to do that? This, my friends, is why we have a Tutorials section here at Hackulous ;-) Take some initiative and search for it!
Where do I upload the app?!?!?!?!?!1cos(0)1
If your goal is to get the app posted on Appulous (and it should be!) you'll need to upload it to a filehost. Actually, if you want your app to stick around for awhile, you'll want to upload to a few filehosts! The ones that work on Appulous are listed here. Then, if you don't already have one, register for an account at, verify your E-mail (see here if you have problems with that), log in, then use the "Submit an App" link at the top of Appulous.
This tutorial will show you how to install cracked .app applications on your iPhone. Although very easy and convenient, this is not the best way to add cracked apps. Given that most cracked iPhone apps are .ipa files, I recommend you have a look at guide on how to install .ipa files on your iPhone instead.
I assume that you’re on a jailbroken 2.X iPhone and that you have installed OpenSSH from Cydia.
1. Download cracked application.
2. Unzip the cracked application folder to your desktop.
3. SSH into iphone.
4. In WinSCP, navigate to /Applications.
5. Drag the cracked application folder over the /Applications folder and drop it in there.
6. Right click on the cracked application folder and change permissions to 0755 and select the box beside “set owner group and permissions recursively” (or go inside the folder, select everything, and set properties to 0755 as well), then hit ok.
7. In the /Applications folder, make a new folder called “Documents”, with a capital D. Change the permissions on the “Documents” folder you just created to 0777.
8. Navigate to /var/mobile/ and make a new folder called “Documents”, with a capital D. Change the permissions on the “Documents” folder you just created to 0777.
9. Reboot your device
Note: Some applications require you set permission to 0775. It seems to be kinda random so if 0755 doesn’t work, try 0775.
Hello to you, iPhone hacker! Hello to you too, iPod Touch hacker…
So it’s not a secret anymore… many iPhone games and applications have been cracked (and still are). Basically, you can get 2 types of files. The “normal” .app file, and the cracked ipa file. We already covered the method to install .app files on your iPhone. Now here is the other method, the most popular one, to install cracked .ipa files such as games and applications on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
As a reminder, this is illegal! I do not encourage anyone to hack or crack iPhone games. Some developpers spend quite some time working on them and they don’t want to see their work ripped off. If you see an iPhone game or application that you like, download it legally through the App Store.
This method works for all firmwares from 2.0 to the current firmware available. The only thing that changes is the MobileInstallation file that you have to install. Each device (iPhone/iPod Touch) has its own MobileInstallation file for each version of the firmware. I started tracking these MobileInstallation files from iPhone 2.1. I do not have them for older firmwares and I do not have them for iPod Touch, although they might be the same as the iPhone’s. I don’t own an iPod Touch, thus I never tried this before on one but some users reported to me it worked great.
By the way, you may want to check my list of cracked iPhone games and applications.
So, how to install ipa files on an iPhone or iPod Touch?
1. You need to be on jailbroken iPhone with Cydia installed. For this, you may use QuickPwn, PwnageTool, or WinPwn. See my tutorials for on how to jailbreak your iPhone or iPod Touch using any of these tools.
2. Install OpenSSH from Cydia on your iPhone. Click on Cydia and then click Install (Sections)>Networking>OpenSSH then click Install>Confirm (if you get a running out of disk space error click “ok”).
3. Log into WinSCP. The first time you try to login you may get a connection timeout error, click retry several times (up to 20 times!) and it should work. If you still get an error, reboot your iPod/iPhone and try again.
4. Navigate to /private/var/mobile/ folder
5. Set the permission of the Applications folder to 777 (make sure reclusive is checked).
6. Stay in the /private/var/mobile/ folder.
7. Create a folder called “Documents” in the /private/var/mobile/ folder. Make sure to spell “Documents” correctly, with a capital “D”.
8. Set the permission to 777.
9. Navigate to the root level and open the /Applications folder.
10. Create a folder called “Documents” inside the /Applications folder and set permission to 777.
———Note: You will only need to create these two Documents folders once———
11. Go to
12. Rename the file “MobileInstallation” to “MobileInstallation.bak”
13. Download this patched MobileInstallation file from HERE. Note that you have to download the patched file for the firmware you are running. ie. if you are running 2.1, you need the MobileInstallation 2.1 patched file.
14. Place the patched file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework folder and set the permissions 775 for the patched MobileInstallation file. If there is some type of extension (ie .dylib), then you need to remove that extension.
15. Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch
16. Download cracked api Games and Apps from Here.
17. Download at least one App from Apple App Store (Free or Paid). What I do is I download one app from the App Store using iTunes, then I sync my iPhone and reboot it. Then I download one app from the App Store on the iPhone and reboot the phone. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! [Only need to do this once]
18. Drag and drop the .ipa file you downloaded into the iTunes Application library.
19. Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy!
The application “XXXXXXX” cannot be opened
Fix: Reboot your iPhone or iPod
0xE800001 Error:
FIX: Change usb port and reboot your iphone/ipod Touch.
If this doesn’t work try going into: Control panel->System->Device Manager->Universal Serie Bus Controller->Right click Apple Mobile Device USB Driver and update driver.
0xE800013 Error:
You get this error when you already have the app
FIX: Simply delete the .app folder that u have ssh’d and reboot.
Baseband 101
The ‘baseband’ is the generic name given to the internal components of the iPhone that handle the phone calls and Internet access. This ‘baseband’ is a tiny and unique independent computer system that runs inside your iPhone, it is separate to the main system that handles the applications (such as email and google maps) and it talks to the main part of the phone over an internal communications network. Think of it like a cable modem or other peripheral that is attached to your home PC that needs occasional updates. When a software update is released and presented to you within iTunes the baseband is sometimes updated (to fix bugs or add new features). The 2.2.1 update for the iPhone 3G contains such an update, so running the vanilla updater straight away with iTunes will reprogram and update the baseband. This could be bad for certain people, depending on your ultimate aim.
SIM Free/SP Unlocked/Factory Unlocked iPhone 3G
This applies if you bought your iPhone 3G for $$$$$$$. This model of iPhone 3G doesn’t have an Service Provider lock (aka factory unlocked) and you are able to put any SIM card into the phone and get service. Your phone is already unlocked so you do not need to worry about baseband updates, simply upgrade to 2.2.1 using iTunes and then use QuickPwn to Pwn and Jailbreak. This will add Cydia and Installer too.
Locked iPhone 3G - Preserve Baseband
This applies if you have a locked iPhone 3G and you wish to update to 2.2.1 but preserve the iPhone’s current baseband software. Preserving the baseband will ensure that you can still use “yellowsn0w” the iPhone 3G unlock application. To upgrade your phone to 2.2.1 and preserve the state of the baseband you need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool. This custom .ipsw will not contain the baseband update but of course will still give you any new stuff from 2.2.1
There are plenty of tutorials about this process on the web, but PwnageTool contains intuitive graphics and easy to follow prompts that should have you up and running in no time at all. Please note: PwnageTool is only available for Mac OS X.
Locked iPhone 3G
If you are using your iPhone with one carrier and have no interest in the possibility of an iPhone 3G unlock in the near future then just restore or upgrade to 2.2.1 using iTunes and use QuickPwn to Jailbreak and add Cydia and Installer.
iPhone 2G (1st Generation)
Update or Restore your iPhone 2G with iTunes then run QuickPwn to do the magic, ‘nuff said, you don’t need to worry about anything.
iPod Touch 1G (Original iPod Touch)
Update to 2.2.1 with iTunes and run QuickPwn.
iPod Touch 2G (New iPod Touch)
Sorry, no support at this time, but Redsn0w is being actively researched and developed.
Fixing DFU mode on 10.5.6
As noted previously OS X 10.5.6 introduced a bug that affected the use of DFU mode. with some Macs. There have been previously published hacks and techniques to fix this, but here is another method that can be used to temporarily restore DFU functionality in order to use QuickPwn or PwnageTool.
- You will need an account with ADC (Apple Developer Connection) this is free and takes a few minutes to sign up, you should read the terms and conditions carefully and you should only sign up if you are thinking of developing applications in the future -
- Download the disk image “IOUSBFamily-315.4-log.dmg” for Mac OS X 10.5.5 Build 9F33” (yes, that is a “5” in 10.5.5 - this is a developer debug package of the USB kernel extension).
- Unplug non-vital USB equipment, such as external DVD writers, USB scanners, USB mass storage devices, at the most leave a Keyboard and Mouse connected.
- Install IOUSBFamily-315.4.1.pkg from within the disk image
- Reboot your system!
- Perform necessary DFU activity with QuickPwn or PwnageTool.
- Download the disk image “IOUSBFamily-327.4.0-log.dmg” for Mac OS X 10.5.6 Build 9G55”
- Intall IOUSBFamily-327.4.0.pkg from within the disk image
- Reboot your system!
- Reattach your USB peripherals.
Ok, so you see these *.ipa files on this and other trackers and want to know how to get them on your iPhone without having to be a Unix command line expert. There are tons of tutorials on YouTube, but I'd say 90% of them are poorly done and outdated with old Unix commands for setting permissions and creating directories. Bleh! First you'll need to Jailbreak your iPhone. First worry that comes up for noobs is "Will it ruin my iPhone, void the warranty, and piss Steve Jobs off?" The short answer is no. You can always reformat your phone and go back to the normal firmware. When you hear the "scary" brick term, it just means some app locked up the phone and now they have to reformat it back to normal. To Jailbreak your iPhone (rather easy process), visit: Get the QuickPwn software for your firmware. As of this writing it was 2.1. The app will tell you with cartoons and movies EXACTLY what to do. A complete idiot could do it in about four minutes. To put on [k]'d apps with the ipa extension, do this step (only need to do once. Also notice there there are no complicated Unix commands you have to enter.)
Where to get [k]'d IPA files: Bittorrent Trackers:
By the way, you can get IPA files directly from these websites rather than bittorrent.
Piratebay will often have large archives of them. In addition, two things that I love about a Jailbroken phone: PdaNet - Free tethering -- use AT&T's internet connection for free on your laptop! Adblock for Safari. - You'll need Cyberduck (free) but it's an easy drag and drop step. If you have any links or criticisms of this post, please reply here. New!PdaNet is now crippleware after two weeks. To get the full version of many jailbroken apps do this: 1. Open Cydia and Add Source: 2. Install PdaNet 1.4.0 from the source you just added. 3. You now have PdaNet 1.4.0 cracked In general, any information on warezing Jailbroken apps can be found here: Installing cracked apps directly on to your iPhone without having to use a computer |
Important Websites
- where to download the Firmware of iPod Touch
- iphone-downloads
- resource, Keep checking)
- how-to-set-up-your-iphoneipodtouch-to-use-hacked-apps/
- forum on
- Application DB on
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