CalliGrapher® 8.4 for Pocket PCs

Written By Akki On Monday, October 29, 2007

CalliGrapher® 8.4 for Pocket PCs


# Includes new Write Pad SIP and supports Windows Mobile 5.0 including full-VGA and square screen devices.

# CalliGrapher received Pocket Pocket PC Magazine 2006 Best Application Award in Handwriting category for the straight fifth year!

CalliGrapher is an award winning natural handwriting recognition software that supports all handwriting styles - cursive, PRINT or MIXed. In addition to handwriting recognition, CalliGrapher offers PenCommander (an easy-to-use PC navigation tool), ink color selection and customizable ink width, and a "Quick Correct" window for fast correction as the user writes.

CalliGrapher analyzes pen strokes written in any application window or on the designated Write Pad area, converts the pen strokes into text and sends the recognized text to a target application. Employing advanced fuzzy logic and neural net techniques; CalliGrapher recognizes arbitrary alphanumeric strings as well as words from its integrated dictionary.

CalliGrapher also offers a comprehensive spell checker for all applications on your mobile device. The application also includes PenCommander - a utility that allows users to create and execute command scripts by simply writing a word command and drawing a circle around it. CalliGrapher gives you the freedom to enter information quickly and efficiently into your mobile device.


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