Opera Mini for Mobile

Written By Akki On Monday, October 29, 2007

Opera Mini for Mobile

Opera Mini is a fast and easy alternative to Opera's mobile browser, allowing users to access the Web on mobile phones that would normally be incapable of running a Web browser. This includes the vast majority of today's WAP-enabled phones. Instead of requiring the phone to process Web pages, it uses a remote server to pre-process the page before sending it to the phone. This makes Opera Mini perfect for phones with very low resources, or low bandwidth connections.

Opera Mini, offers the same speed and usability as the renowned Opera mobile browser, and uses Opera's Small Screen Rendering technology to provide access to the Web. It has all the features expected of a browser, and more, such as bookmarks, browsing history, and ability to split large pages into smaller sections for faster browsing.
It to download Opera Mini via wap, gprs or web, your phone must have a browser that allows you to connect to the Internet. Phones connect to the Internet using access points, and there are different types of access point, that allow your phone to connect to the Internet in different ways. Most phones will be preconfigured with either a WAP or Internet access point, to allow you to connect to the Internet. If your phone does not have either a WAP or Internet access point configured, please contact your service provider for more information.

Works on all java compatible Cellphones:
Lenovo P930, Nokia N71, Nokia N80,Nokia E61, Nokia E70, Nokia E60, Nokia 3250, Nokia N91, Nokia N70, Nokia N90, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6680, Nokia 3230, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6260, Nokia N-Gage QD, Nokia 7610, Nokia 6620, Nokia 3660, Nokia 3620, Nokia 6600, Nokia 3600, Nokia N-Gage, Nokia 3650, Nokia 7650, Panasonic X800, Panasonic X700, Samsung SGH-D730, Samsung SGH - D720, Siemens SX1, Nokia 9210, 9210i, 9290, 9300, 9500, Nokia 7710, Sony ericsson P800, P808, P900i, P900c, P908, P918, P910i, P910c, P910a, Arima U300, Benq P30, Benq P31, Motorola A1000, 1010, A920, A925, Sony Ericsson t610, t630, k700, k600, k750, z200, z600, z1010, w800i, w800.

Size: 100Kb



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