HushSMS - zero message&stealthy PING message

Written By Akki On Friday, November 9, 2007

HushSMS - zero message&stealthy PING message

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HushSMS is a tool to sent a class zero message (aka Flash-SMS) or a stealthy PING message to another cellphone.
The "Silent Ping" enables you to sent a message to another cellphone without the owner getting knowledge about. kHxGSy|T
The message is discarded on the owners phone and no trace exists. You will get back a message from the operator that your message has been delivered, proving that your message has been received, and thus you can know that the owners phone is switched on.  t{hQl

This is not some kind of hack or whatever. It's a normal function per standard and works on any phone. l#5c6JDg
Q: Why such a software? A: I regulary need it in my job. Sometimes I have to be sure a specific phone is switched on and I can send information to that phone without it beeing stored (class zero message). C'=y_B h
It runs on Windows Mobile 5 and 6 based PocketPCs. @P{}|&p6
B=[H 9K/
developer: c l37

Attachment (7 K) Downloads:179

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