Tutorial #2 - Form based Hello World
Form based Hello World
An Hello World program is great to learn the basics of a language but anyone knows that a good looking program using forms is what sells. PPL offers an easy to use visual form builder to simplify this task. Lets design a form based Hello World program that will do a little bit than the usual message on screen.
Lets first start by creating a new form. Click the form builder icon in the toolbar.
Save the form to C:\Program Files\PPL\Tutorials\Hello World Form.frm. Click the save button.
Now design the following form.
Add a Label component. Change the caption property with "Click the button".
Add an EDIT component on the form. that is the text box, and that name should be replaced with "EDIT103".
Add a new BUTTON component and change the caption to "Click Me!". Now double-click on the button to edit its onClick event code. Type the following line:
Edit_Set(EDIT103$, "Hello World!");
The complete code should look like this:
Now select Run -> Run. Here the result form after pushing the Click Me! button.
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