Phoneweaver v1.16

Written By Akki On Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Phoneweaver v1.16 繁體中文化

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PhoneWeaver is a phone management application designed to help control your phone state parameters using profiles in the most intuitive way. Using profiles you can link between your phone state and your agenda, time of day and much more. 5m%@
Using PhoneWeaver you can define smart profiles that are activated manually or automatically based on the time, appointments or phone state. Each smart profile can fully control the state of your phone radio, Wi-Fi, push mail, Bluetooth, ringer, vibrate state and much more! PhoneWeaver also adds a clean and straightforward plugin to your Today screen, allowing you to view and control the currently active profile. PhoneWeaver is the best way to link your information stored on your mobile device with your device phoning capabilities! 7K~[\L9
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New Update! - Thumbs Mode, Popup menu activation and more! Click here to find out more! +V,?Y`!%v
Features List - Click here for the complete PhoneWeaver features-list 0twI0U5)
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Profile Manager /K�GFg+$
NEW! - Activate Agenda profiles based on appointment status, attendees state and category! *@R\hF_
NEW! - Define time-out interval for manual profiles g^Qr6F;
Create up to 100 different profiles that defines your phone behavior based on different variables and phone state S G%i�A
Four profile types are available: Manual, Time, Agenda or Power 3LJ&Jog9"
Configure Time profiles based on day of week and activation hour with up to four different times/days per profile! ?u0fj//
Create Power profiles that will be activated when your phone is synchronized with your computer and/or connected to power
When a phone meets a Pocket PC!  Va[ *
It's time to enjoy a real Windows Mobile phone
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PhoneWeaver is a phone management application designed to help control your phone state parameters using profiles in the most intuitive way. Using profiles you can link between your phone state and your agenda, time of day and much more. n8fE%yr\
Using PhoneWeaver you can define smart profiles that are activated manually or automatically based on the time, appointments or phone state. Each smart profile can fully control the state of your phone radio, Wi-Fi, push mail, Bluetooth, ringer, vibrate state and much more! PhoneWeaver also adds a clean and straightforward plugin to your Today screen, allowing you to view and control the currently active profile. PhoneWeaver is the best way to link your information stored on your mobile device with your device phoning capabilities! Z/F@.Jj2
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New Update! - Thumbs Mode, Popup menu activation and more! Click here to find out more! J0mVl3k?
Features List - Click here for the complete PhoneWeaver features-list \:{Q{$xUS
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Profile Manager &D s5f?$?
NEW! - Activate Agenda profiles based on appointment status, attendees state and category! TrOh3C@@c
NEW! - Define time-out interval for manual profiles P|F(F@tEA
Create up to 100 different profiles that defines your phone behavior based on different variables and phone state Q3FkaS/y?
Four profile types are available: Manual, Time, Agenda or Power Gtrd'Q.d'
Configure Time profiles based on day of week and activation hour with up to four different times/days per profile! c6csP|~.
Create Power profiles that will be activated when your phone is synchronized with your computer and/or connected to power _3"(O6 d(
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Today Screen Plugin OsZq ,@`

NEW! - Thumbs-mode Layout for stylus-free navigation $WjReX
NEW! - Special PocketBreeze Layout for optimized use within PocketBreeze tabs! rb-H`6A4'u
NEW! - Full skins support. Create and share skins at the PhoneWeaver resources forum lD
Places a clean and straightforward Today screen plugin on your Today screen |\ B'tj}H
View the current active profile name and trigger type icon dJpt 
Click profile name to switch between profiles manually c.-syrf
Special indicator icon is presented when activating a non-manual profile manually Sy@*|S)we
Use special switch buttons to view and activate or disable your phone radio, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and push mail state. Optionally re-order, show or hide the led-switch buttons on the Today screen plugin : 7j?akE~o
Today screen plugin designed to fully support one-handed navigation .V+y8G/X}
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NEW! - Popup Menu Mode HXgPkl`
Use PhoneWeaver Popup-Menu mode to control PhoneWeaver through a popup-menu, freeing the Today plugin real-estate from your Today screen WQ.3m{F3
Place a special tray bar button at the bottom of your Today screen to activate PhoneWeaver Popup Menu when clicked ;]Xk9FZ'yp
Easily assign any hardware button to activate PhoneWeaver Popup Menu, allowing full profiles management through a single hardware button click VQSC|M&V
LightWeight and Easy To Use Options &"FA}HbX+
PhoneWeaver fulfils an essential function missing on Windows Mobile devices with phone capabilities. As such, PhoneWeaver memory footprint is extremely small, allowing users to run it without effecting their device performance !8SQ4l;
PhoneWeaver Options layout is presented in a friendly and easy-to-use layout, for faster and easier creation and editing of your phone profiles and PhoneWeaver configuration D'Y#Yf8CO/
Easily customize your phone profiles, Today plugin display and more! -]/_%s;W
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VGA, Windows Mobile 6 Support and General Features \C$l&U-w\Y
Complete multi-language support. Introducing English, German, French and Spanish translations 8ZW4%g{_
Includes full VGA support and comes with special graphics for VGA devices iPMYr~i|>
Supports Pocket PC 2003 Second Edition, Windows Mobile 5 and new Windows Mobile 6 devices pDA5_p1=
Complete support for all different screen resolutions and orientations, including square and landscape screens

Attachment Phoneweaver include sn.rar (242 K) Downloads:99

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