Form Options Quick Reference (by Brad Manske)

Each of the options are listed below along with the effect that it has on the form.

Dialog Form
Default: Off
When selected, the form will be created using a call to NewDlg to create the window. If not selected, then NewForm will be used to create the window if it is full screen, DefaultForm is selected in styles and there are no extended styles. If these conditions are not met, then the NewFormEx function will be used to create the window.

Generate Library
Default: Off
When selected, the form will create PPL source code that can be included in with a larger project. If not selected, the form will have a WinMain function indicating the entry point for the project. It is possible to create a stand alone program in a single form file with this option deselected.

Simplified Event Handling
Default: On
When selected, PPL will route the windows messages to the correct handler functions. If not selected, then the more traditional case table type logic is needed to decode and process the messages sent to the handler functions.

Extended Event Code
Default: On
When selected, PPL will include code in the Simplified Event Handlers to do some of the more
common decoding of the windows messages. If not selected, the code will be left off. To find the included code look in SWAPI.PPL for the #define for HandleEventParms.

Use Namespace
Default: On
When selected, the form will include the #NameSpace command in the generated PPL code. This will force global variables and controls into their own namespace to avoid items named the same on multiple forms. If not selected, then all global variables and controls will be placed into the global NameSpace.