Kaiser Home NOW with tab setting through registry ENABLED
OK, I wont work to improve this plugin anymore. I receive few PM asking me to release version with certain tab disabled. Rather than creating separate cab for each individual, I just enable the tab setting through registry. To enable/disable/change order all you have to do is edit the registry key.
By default only 5 tabs is enabled. You can change the Tab by editing this registry key:
HKLM/SOFTWARE/HTC/HTCHome Tabsetting. Initially the key will be this string: "1,2,3,4,5" This enable the Home, QuickDial, Weather, Launcher and Music in that order.
If you want to add the profile tab simply change it to: "1,2,3,4,5,6" with the profile tab being the last.
"1,4,2,5,6,3" will change the order to: Home, Launcher, QuickDial, Music, profile and weather.
"1,2,4,5" will display only four tabs: Home, QuickDial, Launcher and Music.
Dont forget everytime you change the registry key you will have to unload and reload the plugin.
EDIT: July 24 2007
I fail to mention this originally but if you want a trouble-free operation of the plugin you have to:
1. Manually clean up Notification queue from previous install if accidentally left when uninstall.
2. Original JUVS and Freelance2k7 version create different queue as result of freelance2k7 tweak. Both need to be clean up manually too.
3. The modified 6 tab version from mUn create the same notifications queue as original JUVS. This need to be clean up if present.
4. The modified 6tab version from mUn create a registry by accident at HKLM/5. This is not important but can be clean up too.
5. If you install the original JUVS and mUn version(install everything in windows directory) you will notice that opening the windows folder takes quite some time. This cannot be cured even after uninstalling the plugin. What I did to my hermes is to hard reset to get it back to normal again and install my version that put all the graphics in HTCHome.
6. The Tabsetting registry is not something I just add and it work. I have to patch the dll to use the setting from registry rather than default. So if you install previous version and add the registry key manually it wont work. You will have to install the latest cab.
7. By default the music plugin is integrated with WMP Mobile. If you use HTC Audio manager, you have to change HKLM/SOFTWARE/HTC/Music Plug-In/MusicPlayer from 1 to 2.
8. Auto Profile is the source of all the problem with this plugin. So automatic switching is totally disabled. Tou can still use the Profile Tap for manual switching and that is about it. Wait for the final release version if you want the Profiler to work correctly.
9. Brightness shortcut inside the Launcher Tab wont work because we are missing HTCUtil.dll. So, whoever can grap this dll from the Kaiser please upload.
10. If you cannot enable the Quickdial try to delete this reg entry:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\MASD]"QuickDial"="1_0_xxxxxx_xxxx"
11. I was asking for a file call HTCUtil.dll from the kaiser to make the brightness shortcut to work. Yes the brightness shortcut work but HTCUtil.dll also interfere with the system, screwup something so my advise is not to use this dll for now.
12. Well, I rename the new HTCUtil.dll to HTCUti1.dll and patch the HTCHome.dll to call this new dll. Result is your brightness shortcut will work and your original HTCUtil.dll is not tempered with. The Patch can be found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=817
If 1,2,3 is not clean you WILL experience switching to vibrate when you have appointment. This will occure untill all the queue from previous install passed. If you get some funny switching like switching at no apparent reason, switching at the end of appointmet, etc, eventhough your queue already clean then your system might be screw by previous install already. I dont have a cure for this.
Will add later if there is anything missed.
Lastly, lets not forget we can get this far because of all the collective work from JUVS, FreeLance2k7, mUn and many ohers who work on the improves color icons as well as the solving the weather feed issue for cities that dont get listed.
By default only 5 tabs is enabled. You can change the Tab by editing this registry key:
HKLM/SOFTWARE/HTC/HTCHome Tabsetting. Initially the key will be this string: "1,2,3,4,5" This enable the Home, QuickDial, Weather, Launcher and Music in that order.
If you want to add the profile tab simply change it to: "1,2,3,4,5,6" with the profile tab being the last.
"1,4,2,5,6,3" will change the order to: Home, Launcher, QuickDial, Music, profile and weather.
"1,2,4,5" will display only four tabs: Home, QuickDial, Launcher and Music.
Dont forget everytime you change the registry key you will have to unload and reload the plugin.
EDIT: July 24 2007
I fail to mention this originally but if you want a trouble-free operation of the plugin you have to:
1. Manually clean up Notification queue from previous install if accidentally left when uninstall.
2. Original JUVS and Freelance2k7 version create different queue as result of freelance2k7 tweak. Both need to be clean up manually too.
3. The modified 6 tab version from mUn create the same notifications queue as original JUVS. This need to be clean up if present.
4. The modified 6tab version from mUn create a registry by accident at HKLM/5. This is not important but can be clean up too.
5. If you install the original JUVS and mUn version(install everything in windows directory) you will notice that opening the windows folder takes quite some time. This cannot be cured even after uninstalling the plugin. What I did to my hermes is to hard reset to get it back to normal again and install my version that put all the graphics in HTCHome.
6. The Tabsetting registry is not something I just add and it work. I have to patch the dll to use the setting from registry rather than default. So if you install previous version and add the registry key manually it wont work. You will have to install the latest cab.
7. By default the music plugin is integrated with WMP Mobile. If you use HTC Audio manager, you have to change HKLM/SOFTWARE/HTC/Music Plug-In/MusicPlayer from 1 to 2.
8. Auto Profile is the source of all the problem with this plugin. So automatic switching is totally disabled. Tou can still use the Profile Tap for manual switching and that is about it. Wait for the final release version if you want the Profiler to work correctly.
9. Brightness shortcut inside the Launcher Tab wont work because we are missing HTCUtil.dll. So, whoever can grap this dll from the Kaiser please upload.
10. If you cannot enable the Quickdial try to delete this reg entry:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\MASD]"QuickDial"="1_0_xxxxxx_xxxx"
11. I was asking for a file call HTCUtil.dll from the kaiser to make the brightness shortcut to work. Yes the brightness shortcut work but HTCUtil.dll also interfere with the system, screwup something so my advise is not to use this dll for now.
12. Well, I rename the new HTCUtil.dll to HTCUti1.dll and patch the HTCHome.dll to call this new dll. Result is your brightness shortcut will work and your original HTCUtil.dll is not tempered with. The Patch can be found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=817
If 1,2,3 is not clean you WILL experience switching to vibrate when you have appointment. This will occure untill all the queue from previous install passed. If you get some funny switching like switching at no apparent reason, switching at the end of appointmet, etc, eventhough your queue already clean then your system might be screw by previous install already. I dont have a cure for this.
Will add later if there is anything missed.
Lastly, lets not forget we can get this far because of all the collective work from JUVS, FreeLance2k7, mUn and many ohers who work on the improves color icons as well as the solving the weather feed issue for cities that dont get listed.
August 3, 2008 at 1:35 AM
I had a Sprint Mogul and I used your latest cab file HTC Home with Tabsetting. So, I could just edit my registry to reorder/remove the tabs. Worked perfect.
Now, I just got a Treo 800w and only the VGA HTC Home looks good on it and not the one that I was using for my Mogul. How can I enable the Tabsetting in registry for this. As you said, just adding Tabsetting in the registry doesn't do the magic.
Please help.
August 3, 2008 at 1:38 AM
Here is the link to where I got the VGA HTC Home from... This one looks perfect on Treo 800w.
Can you just mod this version so that I could use the Tabsetting feature that you developed..