MyLife Organized v1.9.0

Written By Akki On Wednesday, November 7, 2007

MyLife Organized v1.9.0

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Anyone have the patched for this version? 0cFZJ5)
2007-07-28 version 1.9.0 bD DaY
feature: support of new MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager which replaced ActiveSync provider to sync with MLO-PocketPC edition hGLyeU2m
IMPORTANT: if you are using MLO ActiveSync provider to sync with MLO-PPC edition you will need to recreate your sync pairs after upgrade to version 1.9.0 from previous versions. maVC!"mGb
feature: record based conflict resolution during sync with MLO-PocketPC edition Xo!8PYhl
feature: synchronization with mlo data files located on local computer, removable drive, LAN or FTP. |xp, Z
feature: COLLABORATION! MLO enables small and medium-sized teams to efficiently collaborate on projects and tasks by providing the synchronization feature 6"18t3"*
feature: Hotkeys editor in options. Assign your own hotkeys to many MLO commands. AX6ir;
feature: autocomplete while assigning places to a task. Just start typing the place name and you will see the suggestions or just type *any* part of place name and press Alt-K ^ SrQPP`P
feature: Hide completed tasks older than. There are three states of hide completed tasks option now: 1) Show all completed tasks 2) Hide all completed tasks 3) Hide completed tasks older than... 'yd`o~kZ~
feature: after pressing Alt+Enter in task outline the parsing result is shown in status bar ) HUb%c(&
feature: The abbreviation "rmd" can be used instead of "remind" in parsing a p2us',
feature: check for updates  RZ&Ub
change: menu "File->Quick Outlook sync" moved to "Tools->Synchronize Outlook" $s>nE[ 4"
change: default hotkey F9 is reassigned from "Synchronize Outlook" to "Synchronize" command. Use Hotkey editor to reassign it back if needed. gGE=Tu5y�
change: the hotkeys for command "Show level 1-4" (Ctrl+Alt+1..4) have been removed to avoid conflicts with Alt Gr combinations. You can still use hotkey editor to assign shortcuts to these and other actions. m+U. SQ
bugfix: links to files did not work sometimes GL2<6vvv@>
bugfix: if you cut a task and try to past it to itself or to its child task the task might disappear N;S`XL
bugfix: MLO crashes if pressing Esc while Search tool tip is shown )GA?1{l2
bugfix: if a task contains char "%" in caption or notes there might be an error message during sync fx gT{.
bugfix: if Windows taskbar is docked to left hand edge or top of the screen the saved MLO window position was wrong on startup 5 \NfLsn+
bugfix: number of minor bug fixes yt;b+X<
Thank you! g?kU0ktjZ
Download Link : }zzq"P>Q
Ywi:r( d5>u#ELwR
Patch on Floor 3

[ 此贴被moonmoon在2007-09-06 22:03重新编辑 ]

描述:PocketPC 2003/2003SE/WM2005
Attachment MLO.PPC2003SE_Arm.rar (503 K) Downloads:231

Try this. YdP=`X'
DRT +wU@^
(Cㄒαcкed file only !!)

Attachment MLO v1.9.0 Cracked by DRT.rar (299 K) Downloads:327

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